1948: The British Colonial established branches for the British Red Cross Association in Sabah and Sarawak. The establishment of the first branch of the country was made after Colonel Stevenson visited Sandakan, Sabah.

1950: The British opened more branches in the Malay Peninsula and began with Penang Branch.

1952 : Opening branches in the states of Perak, Selangor, Malacca, Johor, Terengganu and Pahang.

1953: More branches are open.

1957:When Malaya achieved independence, branches in the Peninsula were was later the Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society incorporated under the provisions of the Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society (Incorporation) Act 1962.

July 4, 1963: The Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society has received official recognition from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as an independent national organization.

August 24, 1963: Accordingly, the Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society has been recognized as an expert International League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

1965: After the formation of the Malaysian state in 1963, the act was to establish the Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society along with its branches in Sabah and Sarawak below the name of the Malaysian Red Cross Association has been approved by Parliament through the provisions of the Malaysian Act Red Cross Society (Incorporation) 1965 (Act 47).

August 21, 1975: The Malaysian Red Cross Society (Change of Name) Act 1975 (Act 162) passed by Parliament got the favor of Yang DiPertuan Agong at that time.

Sept 4, 1975: The Act has been published and officially the Malaysian Red Cross Association changed its name to the Malaysian Red Crescent Society (PBSMM).

March 25, 2007: The 116th PBSMM Council Meeting decides on the re-branding of the PBSMM involved name change to Malaysian Red Crescent (BSMM)

June 27, 2007: Circulars issued and distributed to all branches to inform name change that.

* Based on the record on May 8, 2004, the Malaysian Red Crescent (BSMM) has 15 branches and 148 chapters with a membership of 290,832 members.